The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Funding: the study is funded within the research programs, that the authors are participating in.
For citation: Vorobyev PA,. Mishina SV, Popeka VI, Podnebesova VI, Krasnova LS. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in the elderly. Clin Gerontol. 2020; 26 (1−2): 65−73. DOI: 10.26347/1607−2499202001−02065−073.
Prof. Pavel A Vorobyev – Sc. D. in Medicine, Head of Department of Hematology and Geriatrics, Moscow State University of Food Production, Russian Federation, 125080, Moscow, Volokolamskoye Shosse, 11. Tel.: 8 (495) 225-83-74. E-mail:
Svetlana V Mishina – Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Health Unit No. 154 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Russian Federation, 141292, Moscow Region, Krasnoarmeysk, Severny District, 1a. Tel.: 8 (496) 538-21-85. E-mail:
Vladimir I Popeka – Head of the Internal Medicine Department, Health Unit No. 154 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Russian Federation, 141292, Moscow Region, Krasnoarmeysk, Severny District, 1a. Tel.: 8 (496) 533-62-03. E-mail:
Valentina I Podnebesova – GP, Health Unit No. 154 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Russian Federation, 141292, Moscow Region, Krasnoarmeysk, Severny District, 1a. Tel.: 8 (496) 533-62-03. E-mail:
Lubov S Krasnova – Ph. D. in Medicine, Associate Professor, General Medicine Department, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Russian Federation, 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya Str. 8, bld. 1. Tel.: 8 (495) 609-14-00. E-mail: krasnova.